The Drymifolia Collective
Seedling of:
 "Bacon (Ace)"
Grafted with Jade in summer 2022.
Recent updates posted about this tree:
Update2024-09-07 19:01:16This tree has grown very nicely this year. The frost damage near the graft union appears to be healing, albeit slowly.
Update2024-06-29 03:52:04Some kind of sap sucker has been going after the Jade graft, I think, based on the damage, but it seems to be outgrowing it recently. Rootstock branch looks good, too.
Update2024-04-20 18:09:01Plenty of new buds swelling both above and below the graft.
Update2024-01-30 19:30:02The only protection this tree got was to have wood chip mulch mounded up above the graft. I pulled those back this week and was happy to see that it looks very much alive above the graft, where it was covered with mulch.
Likely killed2024-01-13 22:40:24It's far too early to be sure, but this looks pretty much dead above the soil line. And there are more very cold temperatures to come.
All photos of this tree: