The Drymifolia Collective
Seedling of:
 "Mexicola (Marta)"
Aravaipa a possible pollen parent. Planted out in spring 2022. Has survived brief hard freezes, but all exposed stems killed by teens. Root hardy, though.
Recent updates posted about this tree:
Update2024-05-16 02:32:32Growing nicely this spring.
Update2024-04-20 18:45:45Spring flush starting.
Update2024-03-04 17:56:57Only protection during the January freeze was having the wood chips piled up over it, but the seems to have done the trick
Report2023-10-26 17:35:29One of the weakest trees this year out of those that survived last winter. Leaves have looked chlorotic at times.
This tree does not have any grafts on it.
All photos of this tree: